If you want someone that’s in your corner during a divorce, especially the adversarial ones, Riva Lange is the best in the business. Riva entered my life a few weeks earlier, before I was served with the summons for a divorce. Being anxious about the process (as this was all new to me), Riva calmed me down and took the time to patiently listen to all my concerns and outlined the processes concisely. There were times when I got caught up in the emotions of the divorce proceedings and wanted to cave in; Riva very tactfully, yet with warmth, kept me in line and reiterated that the law is clear and under no circumstances should I be emotionally bulldozed into an unfair settlement. Her words magically came to life on the day of the hearing in court and I walked away knowing that justice was served, which renewed my faith in the judicial system. This was probably one of the most painful events in my life, which was eased by Riva, who gets my highest recommendation!.